
1310nm or 1550nm FP Laser - Coaxial Pigtail [LDM-a-F]

¥13,598.39 ¥12,087.29

  1. 1310nm or 1550nm FP Laser - Coaxial Pigtail
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  2. Displaying 1 to 1 (of 1 reviews)
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    Date Added: Sunday 05 February, 2012 by Technology Explained
    The \"FP\" stands for Fabry-Perot. Fabry-Perot laser diode has very simple structure: two reflective mirrors and an active section between the mirrors. Most laser systems can be simplified as FP oscillators. FP laser diode is made by cleaving the facets of a semiconductor PN junction. The facets are naturally reflective because of the difference on refractive index of the semiconductor material and the air. Different high reflective and wav..
    Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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