
  1. Single Mode Fiber at 780nm
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    Single Mode Fiber at 780nm

    Model 780-HP
    Price:   €61.52
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This high-performance select cut-off single-mode fiber is optimized at near IR wavelengths. This application-specific fiber was developed for applications requiring coupler generation, diode pigtails and unique delivery needs for the near IR continuum. Compared to the best fibers available today, 780-HP fiber features higher proof test levels and tighter second mode cut-off tolerance. These features result in higher strength, increased component reliability, improved production yields and reduced costs for component manufacturers.


  • Superior fiber geometrical tolerances ? Improved connectorization and coupling performance
  • Extremely tight second mode cutoff tolerance ? Enhanced component reproducibility
  • Higher proof test level ? Greater reliability for tight bend applications


Note: the price is per 10 meters.

This fiber is manufactured by Nufern.

See also: Optical couplers at special wavelengths (460nm~1625nm) and PM Fibers
single mode optical fiber for telecommunications optical networks 780nm optical coupler special fiber