
  1. Optical Fiber Isolator - 980nm or 850nm
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    Optical Fiber Isolator - 980nm or 850nm

    Model ISO-S-980/85
    Price:   ¥194,931.90 ¥143,554.50
    Available Options:
    Center Wavelength:
    Connector Type:

This is a specially designed optical fiber isolator for 980nm or 850nm wavelength. It can handle up to 1W (980nm) or 0.5W (850nm) optical power.

This isolator uses HI1060 fiber (980nm) or HI780 fiber (850nm) and is suitable for high power optical lasers, optical sensors or optical signal processing systems.


  • Single stage isolator with high isolation
  • Ultra low insertion loss (0.8dB) and PDL
  • High power handling (1W)


  • Fiber lasers
  • Special fiber amplifiers
  • Sensor systems
  • Optical signal processing systems



Order Information:

a: Center Wavelength in nm; a=850 or a=980.
b: Fiber Pigtail type; b=HI780 fiber HI780 fiber, b=OM3 for OM3 fiber, b=HI1060 for HI1060 fiber.
c: Pigtail Type, c=1 for 900 micron loose tube pigtail, c=2 for 2mm jacket pigtail, etc.
d: Connector Type, d=FA for FC/APC, d=SU for SC/UPC, d=N for no connectors, etc.

Example: ISO-S-850-HI780-2-FA

850nm Single Mode Isolator

Note: 850nm isolator has smaller package size.

See also: PM 1064nm Optical Isolators, 980nm Pump LD Protector
850nm 980nm optical fiber isolators single stage high isolation high return loss low PDL and PMD