
  1. Optical Fiber Circulators 4-Port Wideband (C+L Bands)
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    Optical Fiber Circulators 4-Port Wideband (C+L Bands)

    Model CIR-4-CL/SCL
    Price:   A$722.83
    Available Options:
    Connector Type:
    Power Handling:

Four-port optical circulators are a special type of circulator that has one input (port 1), one output (port 4) and two common ports (port 2&3). The light goes through port 1 to port 2. At port 2, any incoming light is guided to port 3 as output, while all input from port 3 is guided to port 4 as output.

We provide wideband four-port circulator that covers the whole C and L bands from 1520nm to 1625nm. This product has ultra low insertion loss and high isolation. It is an ideal component for applications in optical fiber sensoring systems, high performance optical communication networks (including mux/demux, add/drop modules, dispersion compensation modules, optical filters, etc.)

This product has passed GR-1209-CORE and GR-1221-CORE.


  • Four-port operation
  • Wideband (C+L bands, 1520~1625nm)
  • High isolation
  • Low PDL
  • Epoxy free optical path


  • Add/drop WDM systems
  • Bi-directional communication systems
  • Optical dispersion compensation systems
  • Optical fiber sensors


Ordering Information:

a: Center Wavelength, a=CL for C+L band, a=SCL for S+C+L band, etc.
e: grade of the circulator, e=P for premium grade; e=A for standard grade.
c: Pigtail Type, c=0 for 250 micron bare fiber pigtail, c=1 for 900 micron loose tube pigtail, etc.
d: Connector Type, d=FA for FC/APC, d=SU for SC/UPC, d=N for no connectors, etc.

Example: CIR-4-CL-P-1-FA