
  1. Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexer (CWDM Module)
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    Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexer (CWDM Module)

    Model CWDM-4/8/18
    Price:   £195.98 £137.18
    Available Options:
    Channel Number:
    Connector Type:

Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing (CWDM) modules combine or split up to 18 wavelengths into a single fiber. CWDM technology uses ITU standard 20nm spacing between the wavelengths, from 1270nm to 1610nm.
Our CWDM module has 4 to 18 channels. The central wavelength of each channel is specified to one of the ITU-T grid wavelengths. 18 Channel CWDM starts from 1270nm.
The CWDM module features wide channel bandwidth (13nm). Its isolation is greater than 30dB for adjacent channels, and greater than 40dB for non-adjacent channels. The module also has high thermal stability to ensure reliable performance under different environment.


  • Based on proven thin-film filter technology
  • Low insertion loss
  • High channel isolation
  • High stability and reliability


  • CWDM metro and access broadband networks
  • CATV systems
  • Fiber optic amplifiers


Ordering Information:

a: Channel Number, a=4 for four channel module, a=8 for eight channel module.
b: Start Channel Wavelength in nm; b=1470, b=1510, etc.
c: Pigtail Type, c=1 for 900 micron loose tube pigtail, c=2 for 2mm jacket pigtail, etc.
d: Connector Type, d=FA for FC/APC, d=SU for SC/UPC, d=N for no connectors, etc.

Example: CWDM-4-1470-1-SU

See also: DWDM Modules - 200GHz Channel Spacing and 1310/1550nm WDM Couplers CWDM device Module, Modules, CWDM Filter, Filters, mux demux coarse wavelength devision 4 8 16 channels ITU-T grid