
  1. 10GHz or 20Ghz InGaAs PIN Photodiode Coaxial Pigtailed
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    10GHz or 20Ghz InGaAs PIN Photodiode Coaxial Pigtailed

    Model PD-10GH-C
    Price:   US$59.90
    Available Options:
    Connector Type:
    Fiber Type:

This PIN photodetector has a 3dB bandwidth of 10GHz (or 20GHz). It has planar GaInAs/InP structure to ensure high responsivity over a very wide detection wavelength range.


  • High bandwidth digital or analog systems (10GHz or 20GHz)
  • High responsivity, planar GaInAs/InP photodiode
  • Low dark current, Low capacitance
  • Operating wavelength 1250 ~ 1600nm
  • Singlemode optical fiber coupled input (multimode fiber optional)


  • High bit rate or high bandwidth optical networks

Specifications (T=25 C):

Absolute Maximum Ratings (T=25 C):

Pin definition:

Coaxial pigtailed


Order Information:

PD-10GH-C-b-f-c-d, or PD-20GH-C-b-f-c-d

b: Package type: b=P for pigtailed package; b=R for receptacle
f: Fiber type of the pigtail; f=9 for 9/125 micron SMF; f=62.5 for 62.5/125 micron MMF.
c: Pigtail Type, c=0 for 250 micron bare fiber; c=1 for 900 micron loose tube pigtail, etc.
d: Connector Type, d=FA for FC/APC, d=SU for SC/UPC, d=N for no connectors, etc.

Example: PD-10GH-C-P-9-1-FA

See also: 10Gbps Detector Module and 2GHz Photodetectors