
  1. Customized WDM Filter Devices
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    Customized WDM Filter Devices

    Model WDM-S
    Price:   A$177.61 A$162.68
    Available Options:
    Connector Type:
    Pigtail Type:

We provide filter-based wavelength devision multiplexing (WDM) filter devices that are customized to the particular wavelength bands for your special applications.

Following are three examples of the special WDM filter devices we provide:

Red band filter - This WDM separates/combines two wavelength windows, 1310nm+/-50nm and the other the whole C+L bands. Using this filter, the "red band (C+L)" can be separated from the 1310nm original band.

1310nm narrow band filter - This WDM separates the 1310nm channel from the 1310nm window (O band). The bandwidth of the 1310nm channel is +/-2nm (other bandwidth available), filtered out from 1270nm to 1355nm wavelength range.

S+C band/U band filter - This WDM splits/combines 1460~1575nm (S+C band) with ultralong wavelength of 1610~1640nm (U band).

14xx/15xx filter - This WDM splits/combines 1410~1500nm and 1510~1625nm wavelengths. It is useful in manipulating wavelengths below 1500nm and wavelengths above 1500nm.

C band/L band filter - This WDM combines or separates 1500~1563nm (C band) and 1570~1640nm (L band).

Please contact us directly if you require other customized filtering wavelengths. Minimum order quantity of 10 units is required.


  • Red band filter - broad operating wavelength, covering 100nm around 1310nm and 1550nm.
  • 1310nm narrow band filter - narrow 1310nm channel
  • S+C and U bands filter - split U band from S+C bands
  • Low insertion loss
  • Low PDL, PMD
  • High isolation


  • Optical networks
  • WDM optical systems
  • R&D projects


Red band WDM filter device (1310+/-50nm with 1470~1610nm)

1310nm narrow band WDM filter device (1310+/-2nm from 1270~1355nm)

S+C band and U band WDM filter device (1460~1575nm with 1610~1640nm)

14xxnm band and 15xxnm band WDM filter device (1410~1500nm and 1510~1625nm)

C band and L band WDM filter device (1500~1563nm with 1570~1640nm)

Ordering Information:

a: Filter Type, a=R for Red Band Filter, a=N for 1310nm Narrow Band Filter, a=U for S+C and U band WDM filter, a=X for 14xx/15xxnm WDM filter, a=L for C/L band WDM filter.
c: Pigtail Type, c=0 for 250 micron bare fiber pigtail, c=1 for 900 micron loose tube pigtail, etc.
d: Connector Type, d=FA for FC/APC, d=SU for SC/UPC, d=N for no connectors, etc.

Example: WDM-S-R-0-N