
  1. Long Period Fiber Gratings
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    Long Period Fiber Gratings

    Model LPFG
    Price:   €161.41
    Available Options:
    Connector Type:
Long period optical fiber gratings (LPFG) have periodic refractive index change in the fiber core. However, such change is over a relatively long distance (compared to the wavelength of the light in the fiber). The result is the propagation mode in the fiber core is coupled into cladding modes, and then scatted and attenuated in the fiber clad. The coupling is wavelength selective. So the LPFG has transmission spectrum like a band stop filter for certain wavelengths.
Due to the mechanism of the LPFG, the back reflection of this grating is very low. Hence it is suitable for applications that require band stop filtering and low reflection at the same time.


  • Non-reflective band stop filter
  • Low insertion loss
  • Customized spectrum
  • Band stop filters
  • Gain flattening filters
  • Optical fiber sensors


The LPFG can be customized on:

  • Center wavelength: C+L band
  • Insertion loss at +/-5nm of the center wavelength: >8.5dB
  • Various of connector type available
  • SMF-28 or compatible fiber

Sample Spectrum

Please note: the LPFG is made on bare single mode fiber and has no steel tube or any other types of package. Connectors can be installed on both ends of the fiber Bragg gratings upon request.

Order Information:

a: Center Wavelength in nm, for example a=1550.50 for 1550.50nm.
b: Bandwidth (-3dB) in nm; b=12 for 12nm, etc.
e: Bandwidth (-10dB) in nm; e=8 for 8nm, etc.
c: Fiber Pigtail Type; c=0 for 250 micron bare fiber; c=1 for 0.9mm loose tube pigtail (excluding the grating section).
d: Connector Type, d=FA for FC/APC, d=SU for SC/UPC, d=N for no connectors, etc.

Example: LPFG-1550-15-7-0-N