
  1. InGaAs PIN Photodiode for Optical Power Meter
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    InGaAs PIN Photodiode for Optical Power Meter

    Model PD-MUA
    Price:   £45.78
    Available Options:
    Detector Area:
    Measurement Range:

This InGaAs photodiode has large active detector area. Two options are available, active area diameter 0.5mm or diameter 1mm.The PIN diode has stable responsivity, and has universal adapter interface for FC, SC or ST connectors. Four power masurement types are available suitable for optical power -70dBm to +36dBm range. Each type has power measurement range of 76dB.


  • InGaAs PIN Photodiode (wavelength 850nm to 1700nm)
  • Universal adapter
  • Large detector area
  • Four levels of power measurement range available


  • Optical power measurement


Order Information:

PN: PD-MUA-x-y
x: power range. x=L for -70~+6dBm, x=L1 for -60~+16dB, x=H for -50~+26dBm, x=H2 for -40~+36dBm
y: detector active area diameter. Y=500 for 0.5mm, y=1000 for 1mm.

See also: 10Gbps High Speed PIN Detector with TIA Integrated and 1310nm FP Laser Diode and 1550nm DFB Laser Diode

PIN photodiode, optical fiber pigtailed photodetector InGaAs PIN diode photodiode 2G Hz cut-off frequency optical detector