
  1. Optical Source FP Laser 1310nm
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    Optical Source FP Laser 1310nm

    Model OS-FP-1310
    Price:   US$1,590.00
This 1310nm Fabry-Perot laser source is a ready-to-use optical source for lab or testing applications. It uses a FP laser diode as the laser generation component for the single longitudinal mode output. Customer can specify the wavelength of the laser diode. Automatic power control and automatic temperature control circuits are implemented in the laser driver module. Highly stable output power is achieved. The laser source has internal low frequency square wave modulation. It also provides an external modulation connector so that the light output can be modulated by external signals. Upto 5.9dB attenuation of the output power can be adjusted from the front panel.


  • Automatic power control (APC)
  • Automatic temperature control (ATC)
  • CW, internal modulation and external modulation modes
  • Narrow band, multi-longitudinal mode laser poewr output
  • Output power,attenuation range can be customized.


  • Optical fiber component manufacture & test
  • Optical communication system test
  • Optical cable system test

Typical Spectrum:


Ordering Information:


See also:1310nm FP Pigtailed Laser Diode
1310nm FP laser source module APC ATC 0dBm output power internal and external modulation laser driver